Monday, June 18, 2007

Nova - Marvel Comics Version Of Green Lantern

What's happened when the greatest warrior in universe (the one who defeated Annihilus) meet the greatest warrior on earth (the one who has many superheroes in his disposal)? I'm talking about Nova & Iron Man of course? Will they fight eachothers? Well.. No... In Nova #02, they're just talking and having some nice conversations. It's fun to see Iron Man treats Nova as his equal, after all Nova has saved universe from the annihilation wave. But he better get himself ready for some fight with his old friend speedball (a.k.a Penance) in Nova #03 now.


Anonymous said...

Aw man, jangan pakai bahasa Inggris donk. Cintailah negaramu, gunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik & benar.... Okay?

Anonymous said...

Klu kau emang cinta bahasa Indonesia yg baik & benar, kenapa kau bilang "okay?" ?? Itu kan bahasa Inggris :P